GPH 338 | Computer Animation Survey (Practical Environment: MAYA)
Winter Quarter
Wednesday 6pm-9pm
Class Home Lectures Assignments Students Works Resources

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Lecture Plan
Week 01
Week 02
Week 03
Week 04
Week 05
Week 06
Week 07
Week 08
Week 09
Week 10
Week 11
Lecture Plan
Week 01
Course overview; intro to 3D; get familiar with Maya interface; try some basic box modeling.
Week 02
Topics on Poly vs. NURBS & subDiv, ex: Box Modeling hand and character
Week 03
Topics on Key frame, transformations, modifiers, path animation; ex: butterfly path animation with some scripting;
Week 04
Topics on UV, Texture, Lights, Cameras and Rendering
Week 05
Character Animation I: Rigging, skining/Paint Weight, IK vs FK.
Week 06
Character Animation II: ex: sackbag walk cycle with personality.
Week 07
Intro Facial Animation, Morphing/ Blend shape...
Week 08
Postproduction (AfterEffects) Compression, File formats
Week 09
Topics on Particle Systems, Dynamics, Cloth.
Week 10
Topics on MoCap, live animation
Week 11
Final Presentation